And why their steak isn't the best around.

The NY Steak Shack takes inspiration from the American diner concept, serving a variety of sizzling steaks, seafood platters, tall burgers, and more. While touting 'New York' in its title, the brand is actually a local company.
Location and Ambience
The branch I went to was in IOI City Mall, Putrajaya, on the ground floor, where most eateries are. If you're familiar with the place, you can expect a large volume of people and the noisiness that comes with it.
In terms of aesthetics, it's passable. The shop is decorated with those bright retro colours and a comic book motif on the wall. It's clean and comfortable enough to eat in peace but won't leave much lasting impression.

How's The Food?
Depending on your type of meat and chosen cut, your steak can cost you from RM30 to RM60. I tried the ribeye, and it was slightly better than what you expect in those random Malay shops or Mamak, but it was no fine dining.
I also ordered the Creamy Salsa Pasta, not expecting much since this was a steak shop. It took a while to arrive, even slower than the steak, however, I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. Tangy and addictive, they somehow managed to pack so much flavour into this dish. Even the chicken fillet was much more tender and succulent than the steak.
The Takeaway
Earlier, I stated that the shop should change its name. I was so enamoured by the pasta that I strongly believe they should change it to NY Pasta Shack. Whoever it was that cooked my pasta, thank you for making my day.