Claymore is a dark fantasy series that started as a manga in 2001, aired as an anime from 2007 to 2014, and was reintroduced on Netflix in early September this year (2022). The show centres on Clare, one of the few human-hybrid warriors or 'Claymores', that are all females, working for an organisation that hunts down 'Yoma', shapeshifting demons that prey on humans.
Though some have categorised it as a shounen (young boys) anime due to the action/fighting themes, I would say it's more seinen (adult), with hooks on vengeance, humanity, and so on.
Similar shows: Berserk, Attack on Titans (but less meandering)
First Impressions
At first glance, you would think a story revolving primarily on an organisation of pale-skinned blonde female warriors would have a bunch of sexual/lesbian undertones, as many animes tend to trend into, but there was none to be had. Another way of quickly subverting expectations is that the protagonist, a female, rescues a male in the first episode. He then becomes the useless moral support throughout the show (instead of the typical girl).
Couple that with an art style that stands out, plus the promise of a dark, action fantasy, I was more than willing to sit for a few more episodes.
What Made Me Stay
This show doesn't mess around. Preferring to focus tightly on the plot, Claymore offers little to no comedic or 'filler' relief. However, this might serve in the show's favour, as it managed to captivate me through its action scenes, intrigue, grey areas, and believability while still pulling some unexpected twists.
Everything works well in this series. The pacing, the protagonist's motivation, struggles, and why the Claymores are exclusively female make sense. Even the ending managed to squeeze in something unanticipated.
There is no obvious weakness, except for maybe that one bit…
What Made Me Raise an Eyebrow
*spoilers ahead*
So there's this one scene where Clare kisses the boy on the lips. This scene is unexpected (in a weird way) because romance was never a theme in the show, and it's pretty clear they have a brother-sister relationship. Not to mention Clare is visibly much older, so it kinda seems like she's grooming the boy. 🤔
I might be overthinking it, but a kiss on the cheeks, rather than the lips, would have suited it much more.
In Conclusion
While the show only has one season, there's enough meat for it to be thrilling and a strong enough foundation for more seasons. Unfortunately, the original anime had only one, so for season two to exist, Netflix would have to hire an animation studio and make their own.
Although the show came out in 2007, it still holds out today. If you're looking for a gritty, dark fantasy show, I can completely recommend Claymore.
In conclusion, I give Claymore 'give me a season 2, out of 10'.